School Trips

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At Forest Gate Academy, we like to use trips and visits to enhance our school curriculum. We aim to have at least one visitor to school or one trip outside of school per term for each year group.

All school trips are organised well in advance and carefully planned to meet appropriate health and safety requirements, this will always include a relevant risk assessment.  A minimum of one qualified first-aider will be in attendance. Participation requires parental consent. All information will be sent out via the ‘My Child at School’ app.


Autumn 2023


Nursery & Reception Senses & Textures
Year One Norton Priory
Year Two Science with Cabbage Workshop
Year Three Forces Workshop (in school)
Year Four Viking Workshop (in school)
Year Five Robinwood Residential

Forces Workshop

Year Six Victorian Workshop

Robinwood Residential

Spy Academy – Broadoak


Please keep up to date on MCAS for more information.

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