Year 2

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Year 2 Curriculum Statement

EnglishIn English in Year 2 we continue to focus on strengthening the children’s phonics knowledge and how to successfully implement this into reading and writing. During Year 1 children will have been assessed during Phonics screening to ensure we have the correct starting point for your child beginning Year 2. The children follow the Read, Write Inc scheme and will be split into ability groups to enable progression. Throughout Year 2 the children will focus on utilising their phonic knowledge during Guided Reading sessions. The focus of these sessions is to listen to each child independently and ensure they are applying their phonics knowledge into their reading and to teach the children new reading skills to help them to interpret the text. In guided reading we wish to ensure that the children listen to and discuss a wide range of stories, poems, plays and information books. An interest of different genres is encouraged to enable children to strengthen their vocabulary, comprehension and knowledge across the wider curriculum as well as promoting reading for pleasure. Children are assessed on a range of reading skills including inference, retrieval, prediction, sequencing and vocabulary.

A novel is chosen by the class and read to them three times a week. Again, this helps to promote a love of reading and exposes children to stories that may be beyond their reading ability.

Speaking and listening is taught through many subjects including English. Pupils are encouraged to share ideas, speaking confidently and clearly, listen carefully to others and respond by asking relevant questions.

In writing children follow on from year 1, forming sentences orally and writing them down. Children should be able to spell correctly many of the words learnt in Year 1 and now be making phonically plausible attempts to spell words they do not know. We continue to follow the cursive handwriting scheme and focus on letter sizing and orientation ensuring all letters are formed correctly before joining. The use of conjunctions and punctuation including capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas are taught and children are given different writing opportunities to include these. The units taught across the year covers an array of genres enabling the children to write for many different purposes including, stories, letters, poems and recounts.

Writing is assessed throughout the year and an end of Key Stage 1 judgement is given on their overall progress.

The children complete the following writing units across the year:



In SPaG the children learn to apply the spelling and grammar rules.

The children have 5 spelling lessons, 5 guided reading lessons and 5 English lessons each week.


MathsIn maths in year 2 we follow the White Rose scheme of work. Children have 5 Maths lessons per week. Maths is also taught through basic skills and other areas of the curriculum e.g., Science and Design Technology. The children will sit SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) during May in both Reasoning and Arithmetic. The children will be assessed using this format throughout the year to ensure they are prepared for the assessments.

The children cover the following units across the year:



Other Subjects: The children cover the following topics across the year:


Objectives for the above topics are taken from the National Curriculum.

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