Year 4

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Year 4 Curriculum Statement

English –

In English in year 4 we continue to reinforce the relationship between sounds and letters, particularly focussing on the rules for adding suffixes, further common exception words and homophones. This ensures children improve in their writing and reading.

In writing, the children learn how to plan, draft, write, evaluate, edit and proof-read their own writing. They also read aloud their work to develop their speaking and listening skills. Children learn to apply their knowledge of spelling rules to spell unknown words and common exception words. The children are expected to use increasingly legible cursive handwriting, working on consistency, quality and line spacing. The children write simple sentences from memory, using the punctuation and spelling rules taught. They complete the following writing units across the year:



In SPaG the children learn to apply the year 4 spelling and grammar rules, including the possessive apostrophe, fronted adverbials, direct speech, a wider range of conjunctions, the present perfect tense and the use of pronouns. The children have five spelling sessions, five English sessions and two handwriting sessions a week.


In maths in year 4 we follow the White Rose scheme of work. In addition, we focus on ensuring the children have a sound understanding of their times tables ready for the multiplication times table check in June. The children cover the following units across the year:


Other Subjects: The children cover the following topics across the year:


Objectives for the above topics are taken from the National Curriculum.

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