Year 6

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Year 6 Curriculum Statement

During year 6, pupils build upon their prior skills and knowledge from previous years and emphasise their enjoyment and understanding of language, especially vocabulary, to support their reading and writing. Pupils’ knowledge of language, gained from stories, plays, poetry, non-fiction and textbooks, will support their increasing fluency as readers, their facility as writers, and their comprehension. By the end of year 6, reading and writing should be suitably fluent, across all subjects and not just in English, but there will continue to be a need for pupils to learn subject-specific vocabulary upon their transition to secondary school.



Reading is taught explicitly throughout year 6. We continue to read and discuss an increasingly wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books and textbooks. We use VIPERS to aid comprehension so students are exposed to and become familiar with reading content domains in preparation for SATs. We continue to promote fluency, decoding and prosody within our English lessons and promote cross curricular links, utilising high quality texts to ensure pupils are reading books that are structured in different ways and cover a range of purposes.



In writing, we build upon purpose of writing. We use 4 main types of writing across year 6: Writing to entertain; to inform; to persuade; and to discuss, this allows us to explore the relationship between different genre and text types. Pupil’s plan, draft, write, evaluate and edit their work, creating a ‘destination piece’ of writing linked to their current book or stimulus. Children also have the opportunity to discuss and perform their own compositions, using appropriate intonation, volume, and movement so that meaning is clear.


In SpaG children learn to use and understand grammatical terminology in English accurately and appropriately in discussing their writing and reading, building upon skills and knowledge acquired in previous year groups.

The children have 5 spelling lessons, 5 English lessons and 1 handwriting lesson each week.




English units for Year 6




In Year 6 we use a mastery approach using the White Rose Maths Scheme of work which allows pupils to develop a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths which has been built upon throughout KS2.  We continue to enhance Fluency, reasoning and problem solving, giving our children the knowledge and skills they need to become confident mathematicians.





The children cover the following units across the year :




Parent Forum

Select Language